Friday, December 27, 2019

Faust Part One by Goethe and Candide by Voltaire Free Essay Example, 1000 words

The more people suffer, the better things are. Pangloss brand of optimism caricatures of the philosophy of Liebniz, in which from God s perspective private miseries are somehow tolerable or perhaps necessary. Candide is so na ve and innocent that in the end, he asks Pangloss if he sill believed in optimism after all that he has endured. Optimism is a counter-intuitive doctrine and ignores the dilemma of human suffering by making evil and misery part of a perfect world. Similarly, Faust part one of Goethe is basically a tragic play much as Candide by Voltaire. But Candide is supported by the optimism of the protagonist. While Candide wants happiness for everyone Faust desires it for his own self. He is striving to learn everything that can be known, away from righteous pursuits. In both the works, the similarity is that both the writers have satirized the church both the protagonists are seeking happiness but while Candide has moral reasons behind the idea, Faust has personal interes ts. Candide marries Cunegonde even when she had become ugly and disfigured and was always in pursuit of her while Faust seduces Gretchen and when she becomes pregnant and when she drowns her illegitimate child and when she is convicted for murder, he is not with her. We will write a custom essay sample on Faust Part One by Goethe and Candide by Voltaire or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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